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NAMBA. 13. Osaka's largest traditional market, "Kuromon Market" ​ Go to Kuromon Market to enjoy traditional Osaka market The Kuromon market began in 1822 at the market where fish merchants gathered to sell fish, and was recognized as a market in 1902 (the 35th year of Meiji Restoration), and has since become a core market in Osaka. Some even say Nishiki in Kyoto and Kuromon in Osaka. Kuromon Market is now a huge tourist destination with an average of 23,000 ..
NAMBA 12. Osaka's biggest entertainment district "NAMBA MINAMI" Osaka's biggest entertainment district A long time ago, a place called Kitakyinchi in Umeda was the largest entertainment district in Osaka, but as the number of Osaka tourists surged year-on-year, Minami Namba became the biggest entertainment place. The image of the current Osaka entertainment district is that Umeda Kitashinch is a high-end entertainment place where office workers entertain, an..
難波 02. 大阪で一番商店街"心斎橋商店街" 昔の心斎橋は川だった? 1622年長堀川運河を建設する商人の一人である岡田シンサイが35メートルの長さと4メートルの長さの木造橋を作った…。 橋はその建築業者の名前に命名された. この橋が心斎橋だ。心斎橋が初めて建てられる当時,心斎橋の近くは川だった。 しかし,時間が経つと,木造橋は相当な維持補修と修理が必要だった。 それで1873年にドイツのアーチ型鉄製に代替された。 当時、アーチ形の橋梁は、非常に稀だと思われて大阪人の間で人気のある場所になったが、1909年鉄橋が大阪初の石橋に変わった。 1964年、長堀川運河は道路になるために埋め立てて、今でも一部の昔の跡を保存するため、ユニクロの前心斎橋には昔に使用した電灯などを入れた形跡がある。 1. 江戸時代 / 2. ドイツ / 3. 石橋 ​ 道を探す 駅 / 駅の名前 / 駅のナンバー JR,阪神, 阪急線 - 難波駅駅 ​ 御堂筋線..
NAMBA 11. I have Orange Street, Amemura "Namba Horie" Where is Horie? Horie is the last place in the Osaka area to land from wetlands. Once upon a time, Osaka had a lot of wetlands. Horie refers to areas that contain orange street and amemura. In the past, development was always slow but not well recognized, but in the 2000s, it became a fashion house with street fashion and luxury fashion in Osaka. Horie is also a heartwrenching neighborhood that ..
難波 01. 大阪の食べ物天国 "道頓堀" 道頓堀は? 道頓堀は日本大阪府大阪市中央区の地名で,この地域の北側を流れる道頓堀川の略語が祈っている。 道頓堀はかつて劇場が密集した地域だったが,現在は夜の文化と娯楽施設が密集している地域へと変貌した。 遊覧ボートに乗って川を案内する道頓堀クルーズがあり,心斎橋から大阪城まで送る旅客ボートもある。 近所にはドンキホーテという有名な雑貨屋がある。 道頓堀川に位置するドンキホーテの場合,建物に道頓堀川周辺の展望が見られる観覧車が設置されている。 大阪の製菓会社江崎グリコのフィニッシングラインを通過する"走るグリコマン"が描かれた看板が大阪のマスコットとして有名だ。 "多くの人が実存する人だと思うが,マスコットにすぎない。 また,グリーコの看板は単なる看板ではなく,大阪市が文化財の形で管理している非常に珍しいの看板です。 ​ 道頓堀の3大将 1. 蟹ドラク 2. クイダオレ 3. つぼらや ..
NAMBA 10. Namba's back alley shrine "Hozenji" deep-willed Hozenji In the past, Namba was a lawless area, where the people of Namba prayed for a thousand days in order to appease the souls of those who were punished, buried or killed in it, and the place where the prayer was generally called Senichi, and the street in front of the gate was called Senichimae. it was originally a common shrine built by a monk named Kotokumo. Afterwards, the sh..
NAMBA 09. It's not Namba Parks. "Namba City" Similar to Namba Parks, but different Namba City. Namba City and Namba Parks are similar in name and location, so it's easy to confuse. However, Namba City is a shopping mall operated by Nankai Group. Namba City has the headquarters of Takashimaya Department Store, and about 250 brands are in Namba City, including Godiva Chocolate, after-eye TVing, an after-eye shop where kitchenware is sold, Ti..
NAMBA 08. Coexistence with green "NAMBA PARKS" Coexistence with green "NAMBA PARKS" Namba Parks was formerly used as the home ground for the Osaka professional baseball club Nankai Hawks, and the building that was built after Nankai redeveloped the concept of "Future City" on the site of Osaka Stadium, which was disbanded in 1998. And there are many similar parts to the Canal City in Fukuoka, which was designed by the same architect. Namba P..